Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Ok, I've been SOOOOOO bad about updating on here lately. Life has just been very busy. It's getting late tonight, but I thought I would at least get a couple Halloween pics on, then try to get up to date on some past events ASAP.

Halloween was a blast. We stayed home and had a very peaceful evening. Bryce was so cute trick-or-treating at a couple neighbors homes, then had fun playing in front of ours while we handed out candy. It was so nice to see our little boy having a great time!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

New shoes

I finally found some shoes that will fit Bryce. Not that he's 100% walking yet! But he does like them so that is the good thing. Aren't they too cute!?!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Bryce is One!!

I'm finally getting a chance to update on Bryce becoming one year old!! It snuck up on us pretty quick. We tried to give Bryce a fun day on his big day. After his normal morning nap Bryce and I met dad for lunch at Sweet Tomatoes, where Bryce ate everything we put infront of him. We did our normal grocery shopping for a Monday, which Bryce enjoys. After his normal afternoon nap we danced to the Wiggles and got ready for a little family birthday party when dad got home. Bryce had fun opening a couple gifts, riding on the blanket and destroying his cake.
It was a good first birthday!!!!

Bryce also had a birthday party w/family and friends at Chuck E Cheese. It was so fun seeing everyone playing and having fun. Bryce was a bit overwhelmed at first, but he had lots of fun!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I think I'm tagged

TAGGED (by Kyra)
Jobs I've held:
maintenance worker for the town of Fredonia, in a laundrymat, KFC, assembler, Subway, Black Angus, collector, customer service in a mall, transcriptionist, child-care giver, massage therapist

Places to go for a weekend getaway:
Sedona, Prescott, Laughlin, Las Vegas

Places I've lived:
Burley, Idaho - Ephraim, Utah - Fredonia, AZ - Pine Bluffs, WY - Every city in the Phoenix, AZ area

Places I've been on Vacation:
San Diego (Sea World, Disneyland), Florida, Utah, Mexico, Caribbean, Colorado, Seattle, New York

Favorite foods:
Mexican, italian, Baja Fresh tacos

If in a "jam" with your spouse, what tactics do you use to get out of the doghouse?
Obviously not any good ones...please share!

Websites I visit (ALMOST daily)
Fertility Sisters, Moms and Friends, North Valley Hip Mamas


Bryce finally took his first steps!!! It was Sunday, Aug. 5. I had taken his clothes off to get him ready for bed and he was having fun throwing them around, like is always does. He wanted his clothes SO BAD that we decided to see if he would walk for worked!! I set them on his play table and stood him up a few feet away and he just went for them. His first time walking and he took 8 steps!! He was so happy doing it that he just laughed the whole way.
He's been doing a few steps here and there since then, but only if we set him up. He won't go on his own from being in a standing position (like standing by his table or something).
Wow, it's been hard enough to know his 1st b-day is just around the corner, now w/him walking it's official our baby is all grown up!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Not much goin' on

Well, nothing real big to share. Seems like we've been too busy to even take a picture of Bryce in the past couple weeks. We have been attending play groups, meeting w/friends, going to Chuck E Cheese's and hangin' out at the mall. Bryce is in love w/the Wiggles now and does a very good job dancing w/them. When one of his favorite songs ends he gets a big frown and a little teary eyed, but waits patiently for me to rewind it back to that song.
Bryce is going to be ONE YEAR OLD in 10 days!!!!!! We can't believe our little baby is gone. As much fun as a one year is going to be I am REALLY going to miss my "baby".

Monday, July 30, 2007

Utah w/cousins

For my 31st birthday Eric sent Bryce and I to Utah to visit Kyra and her boys. We had a GREAT time!!! We were busy every day doing something...going to the park, taking walks, going to Thanksgiving point to play in the water or visit animals. I even got to go get a massage, and Kyra got her hair done. Bryce had a fun time playing w/his big cousin, Mac. They had their moments but for the most part they really enjoyed eachother. Mac's little brother, Taft, is a cutie and so much fun to hold and stare at.
Eric joined us for the last couple days. We tried a little hiking and some parks. It was a fun week but we were happy when we got back to our own home and beds.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Playing in the pool w/dad

We had our first family trip to San Diego, CA for Eric's 33rd birthday, and his first Father's Day. We had a great time at Sea World, the beach and relaxing at the hotel.

Having fun in the pool.

Fun at the beach

Bryce really does love the beach. He had fun crawling in the sand and playing w/dried up sea weed...and of course trying to eat sand.

Sea World

Dad shows Bryce how to squirt mom w/water.

Still trying to get mom.

What are the dolphins doing?

For some reason, seeing the dolphins jumping made Bryce very concerned.

Mom and Bryce

Can you sit still, please!?!

Tried getting a pic of Bryce by some pretty flowers. He had more fun trying to get away.

Sea World is tiring

Bryce needed a break from all the fun.


You may not see them swimming above, but Bryce did. This was probably his favorite part of Sea World.


Bryce thought the seals were funny when they "yelled".


Bryce loved riding the duck.