Summer is here!!! It's been near 115 for the past couple weeks. I use to not mind the heat, but now that I have an almost 2 year old to lug around too it's just no fun! We have been trying to keep cool by playing at the mall, friend's homes (or ours), visiting the library, swimming at the city pool (so fun! We also did swimming lessons for a couple weeks), and going to a splash pad at a park near our home. Last week we tried one of the "Summer Movies", just to see how Bryce would do. It was only $2 for the both of us and it was Shrek III. Bryce had fun eating popcorn (that I brought from home), a nectarine, a sucker and some fruit snacks. He probably would have enjoyed the movie more if it was the Wiggles or Elmo. He likes Shrek, he just didn't like some of the "mean" scenes. He doesn't like to see people or things get hurt, or yell, or fight, or make loud noises. Luckily the place was filled w/kids because at every "mean" scene Bryce would YELLLLLLLLLLLL "NOOOOO, NOOOOOO". We left after an hour and 15 minutes, mainly because by then he couldn't sit still and was getting goofy.
Eric is taking a Literature class on-line w/ASU this summer. Just because. He LOVES to read, so now he has a good excuse and enjoys chatting w/on-line classmates about their readings. They're on Shakespeare right now. He is also hiking like crazy still. Had fun in Flag this past weekend.
He also celebrated his 34th (OMG!!!) Birthday a couple weeks ago. We had a quiet little party for him at home.
I had to take a few classes to renew my massage license. That kept me pretty busy for the past month, now I am DONE!!
Bryce is growing like CRAZY!!!! He is such a little smartie. He is amazing w/his shapes, colors, ABC's, numbers, truck and car types, building choo-choo tracks, helping clean up, throwing away his trash without being asked (now to teach dad that!)...on and on. He is so much fun to be w/every day. He repeats EVERYTHING you say, so be careful! The best part is to hear him say "Love you". He is such a neat little boy, I can't believe he'll be two soon!!!!

We had a fun trip to Disneyland and Sea World just before Eric's birthday. This was Bryce's first time there. Still could have held off a couple more years, but Eric really wanted to take him. We went w/Eric's parents, sister and her daughter. Ashley and Kelly joined us at Disneyland one day, it was great to see them! We had fun and Bryce got to see a lot of new, fun things. Sea World was a bit more "run free" friendly and the beach was the best for him. Just makes me excited for when he gets older for the adventure parks. One sad thing that happened...Bryce whacked his head on a coffee table in the hotel room. Blood was everywhere and I was so scared when it happened (we were there alone for a nap). Luckily there was a paramedic on vacation down in the lobby when I ran down there. He helped clean Bryce up and said stitches wouldn't be worth it, although there will be a scar. It's through his eyebrow so I decided he'd be fine. He is healing nicely, but still talks about it.
Is that enough pictures?!?!?! Sorry, just so many cute ones to choose from!
Anyway, as usual, life is keeping us busy. We are all healthy, happy and having fun!
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